Isac - tiny SMD vacuum pen


less than 1 minute read

Compact design

When I assemble surface mount components in combination with solder paste, I find it quite frustrating to have resistors and caps stuck at the very tip of the tweezers. So I decided to build a suction pen that I could bring with me and could work off the grid.


Isac is an hambugerized stack of common components:

  • 5V mini vacuum pump

  • 500mAh LiPo battery

  • TP4056 battery charger (with battery protection circuit)

  • 1803BK motor driver

some pics

A look inside


The price to build one is around 10€. Print the housing and assemble the parts with minimum effort. The electolithic cap at the motor driver has to be placed horizontally so the motor can fit in the enclosure.

In action


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